Sale! 20220114_16430120220114_164252

46-TML250145- Authentic Moroccan Berber Rug. Handmade Colourful Camel Wool Carpet . 8.2×4.7 Ft

Original price was: £1,450.00.Current price is: £1,150.00.
Sale! IMG_20210912_191244IMG_20210912_191135

44-TML270157- Fabulous Traditioanl Large Moroccan Rug. 8.8×5.1 Ft/ Natural Wool And Camel Hair.270x157cm

Original price was: £1,750.00.Current price is: £1,100.00.
Sale! IMG_20220124_122603IMG_20220124_122545

43-TML260160- Handmade Colourful Moroccan Rug Berber Glaoui Carpet Made Of Camel Wool. 8.5×4.9 Ft// 260×150 Cm

Original price was: £1,650.00.Current price is: £1,150.00.
Sale! IMG_20210912_192838IMG_20210912_192714

42-TML40180 – Stylish Moroccan Double Sided Handmade Rug /Large Berber Carpet 280×150

Original price was: £1,700.00.Current price is: £1,300.00.
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29-TML260160 /Vibrant Moroccan Berber Rug. 8.5×4.9 ft Large Moroccan Carpet/ 260x150cm

Original price was: £1,300.00.Current price is: £895.00.
Sale! IMG_20210802_201051IMG_20210802_201014

28-TSM210110/ Colourful Tribal Handmade Moroccan Rug. 6.5×3.6 ft Medium Berber Carpet/ 200×110 cm

Original price was: £620.00.Current price is: £430.00.
Sale! IMG_20210802_195639IMG_20210802_195545

27-TSM210110- Authentic Moroccan Berber Rug. 6.8×3.6 ft /Camel and sheep wool/ 210x110cm

Original price was: £450.00.Current price is: £390.00.
Sale! IMG_20210802_180757IMG_20210802_180726

26-BML235176-Genuine Beni Ouarain Authentic Moroccan Rug 100%wool 7.7×5.7 ft / 235×176 cm

Original price was: £1,200.00.Current price is: £850.00.
Sale! IMG_20220118_163853IMG_20220118_163813

25-TML200150- Authentic Moroccan Berber Rug. Handmade Colourful Camel Wool Carpet . 6.5×4.9 Ft

Original price was: £750.00.Current price is: £590.00.